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Discover Autonomous Freight Procurement

Optimize 3-5% cost and realize 90% productivity gains across RFQ to contracting.

AI Co-pilots for your Freight Procure-to-pay Lifecycle

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Experience the Pando Advantage

AI/ML Powered

Get recommendations around carrier selection, intelligent counter bids, scenario analysis, optimal RFQ cycle, & more

Pando Live Support

Guaranteed live-support during procurement events to ensure smooth execution & zero downtime.

Industry Best Practices

Unlock pre-populated industry templates with best practices to automate RFQ process.

Compliant & Transparent

Access time-stamped, user-tracked data logs for all transactions across RFQ to contracting cycle.

Intuitive & Guided

Frictionless user experience with carriers to collaborate on bidding, negotiations & award management.

Data-driven Decisions

Leverage advanced analytics and actionable insights to drive intelligent decisions that can save $$$.

Freight Procurement augmented with AI/ML


Automate RFQ Creation

Automate RFQ Creation

Automate your freight-centric RFQs with pre-bid intelligence to simplify the bidding process & enhance productivity.

Automate RFQ Creation

Be it spot or contract buys, the current RFQ process is so manually intensive and complex across a spectrum of services (Ocean, Air, Parcel, etc.) with my generic procurement tool which is not freight-centric.

Leverage Pre-bid intelligence across lanes to automate your RFQ process with pre-configured RFQ templates based on historical patterns. You can also execute your RFQ through automated workflows across multiple activities including lane configuration, event scheduling, vendor selection based on lanes, etc driving superior productivity and autonomizing the RFQ process seamlessly.


Intelligent Bid Analysis & Negotiations

Intelligent Bid Analysis & Negotiations

Detect anomalies, benchmark rates, leverage counterbids, and collaborate seamlessly with carriers with AI-driven insights & recommendations.

Intelligent Bid Analysis & Negotiations

The bid analysis and negotiation process is sub-optimal as I do not have access to market intelligence around rate benchmarks or carrier performance. Also, the bid analysis is complex given the accessorial charges differ by service!

With AI-powered anomaly detection, validate all carrier bids for outliers and automatically reject invalid bids. With market intelligence around freight rate benchmarking and carrier performance scorecards, leverage counter-bid recommendations to negotiate better and identify the best carrier pool against your lanes. Collaborate with your carriers around the procurement event in real time for faster execution.


Integrated Contract & Rate Management


Integrated Contract & Rate Management

Digitalize and manage your freight contracts & accessorial charges seamlessly. Track rate changes and renew expiring lanes with a configurable Rate Manager.

Integrated Contract & Rate Management

My freight contracts are stored as documents and are siloed. The rates & charges contracted are not integrated into my generic procurement tool. I am unable to keep tabs on rate updates or renew expiring lanes.

Post-procurement event, all your contracts and rates are digitized in a structured format with an audit trail on any rate changes through a configurable rate manager. Pando helps you to manage your complex accessorial charges effortlessly and you can leverage a simple low code/ no code option to manage your accessorial charges definition and calculations against your freight contracts.


Autonomous Spot Procurement

Autonomous Spot Procurement

Automate spot procurement & respond to market demand instantly with seamless integration to the order management platform.

Autonomous Spot Procurement

Given freight rate volatility, the frequency of sourcing events has increased! As my ERP/Order Management System is disconnected from my generic procurement tool, I am unable to respond to any spike in demand or freight rate changes to initiate spot buys quickly.

With integration into the ERP/Order Management system, you can automate your spot procurement with automated workflows leveraging pre-configured RFQ templates to quickly place your request in the market. You can leverage favourable market rates or respond to any expedited dispatch requests in a jiffy.


Freight Sourcing Insights

Freight Sourcing Insights

Empower your freight sourcing strategy with AI-driven insights to optimize bids, select the right carriers, and drive cost savings.

Freight Sourcing Insights

My generic procurement tool neither offers insights into my freight spend nor any historical bid data available to help in building a data-driven lane-level strategy. This impacts my decisions around spot vs long term commit, expanding my carrier pool or negotiating effectively on current bids.

Get a bird’s eye view of freight sourcing across multiple dimensions – by procurement event, by freight charges, by lanes or carriers to derive direct cost savings. You can also leverage AI/ML capabilities to determine optimal RFQ cycle, spot vs long term, identify bid inconsistencies across similar shipments & leverage dashboards around rate progression, lane-wise analytics, and carrier-wise performance to drive data-driven decisions in your procurement cycle.


Sustainable Freight Sourcing

Sustainable Freight Sourcing

Seamlessly embed sustainability metrics into RFQ to contracting process & improve your sustainability goals.

Sustainable Freight Sourcing

There is a significant mandate to scale on sustainability practices and it starts from a pool of sustainability-focused carriers. Given limitations in tools we have, I am not able to factor in sustainability metrics like emissions, fuel efficiency, sustainability certifications etc.

With Pando, you have access to emission analytics & sustainability across your carriers through integration to their sustainability-related data. You can easily configure these metrics as part of every stage in your RFQ to contracting process to help you onboard more sustainability focused carriers to improve your sustainability goals.


Skotti Fietsam, SVP of Global Supply Chain

Congratulations to Pando for making their debut in the Gartner TMS Magic Quadrant! Our partnership with Pando has accelerated our visibility on ocean freight and improved rate management. Pando has helped us realize significant cost savings, deliver superior customer experience, and collaborate with our ecosystem partners seamlessly to build an agile supply chain. Pando gives us a competitive advantage in the marketplace!

Skotti Fietsam, SVP of Global Supply Chain


Mayank Pandey, Wholetime Director of Supply Chain

Glad to witness Pando's recognition by Gartner! Through their integration of advanced AI technology, logistics expertise, and top-tier talent, Pando has become a key partner for us. Their solutions streamline our freight procurement to payment processes, driving meaningful changes in our supply chain toward greater agility and sustainability. Congratulations to Pando for their well-deserved recognition!

Mayank Pandey, Wholetime Director of Supply Chain


Neha Parekh, Director of Supply Chain

Congratulations to Pando on the well-deserved Gartner recognition! We needed a unified platform to collaborate with our vendors seamlessly, derive intelligence from our network, plug into our evolving IT landscape, scale with our business, and provide rapid value realization and Pando checked all our boxes. We're proud to be a Pando customer!

Neha Parekh, Director of Supply Chain


Christopher Held, Chief Supply Chain Officer

Pando's platform provides the end-to-end freight spend visibility, real-time analytics, predictive intelligence and collaborative automation through its AI tools, to optimize our logistics operations. These AI tools complement our supply chain team, so they are able to do more and have a greater impact than before!

Christopher Held, Chief Supply Chain Officer


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